by Fr Adrian Danker, Spiritual Director of Courage Singapore

Come for an evening to share, listen and pray. Fr Adrian will be leading us through the evening and slowly unwrap some questions that we may have.
Come dressed appropriately, as the evening ends with adoration and benediction.

Speaker Profile
Fr. Adrian was ordained in June 2013. An old boy of St. Joseph’s Institution (SJI), he was later appointed as its Deputy Principal in 2014 and then its Principal from 2016-2021. He holds a Ph.D. in English Literature, Masters in Philosophy and Masters in Divinity, as well as a Licentiate in Sacred Theology.

Appointed as Spiritual Director of Courage Singapore on 23 March 2017, Fr. Adrian takes time from his busy schedule to work with a group of people to build this ministry. As he ministers to our sisters and brothers, he desires that each heart be touched deeply by the Lord and that lives can be transformed.

We welcome a love offering.

To see the full list of events click here: St Mary of the Angels - Family Fiesta
